The guided tour includes a walk through the fort centre and of the courtyard gallery and the castle with the emphasis on certain important architectural elements, from the Late Gothic to the Renaissance and Baroque.
Target audience: all ages
Location: Veliki Tabor Castle
Period: January through December
The guided tour elaborates on the legend of Veronika Desinićka and introduces visitors to the time preceding the construction of Veliki Tabor as it stands at present. The exhibition entitled, Tajanstvena Gotika, Veliki Tabor i Kapela Sv. Ivana [Mysterious Gothicism, Veliki Tabor, and the Chapel of St. John] presents the Gothic finds of architectural stone elements, the stonemasons' symbols, and Gothic ceramic stove tiles, as well as Late Gothic mural in St. John's chapel in Ivanić Miljanski, which Fridrik of Celje had built and painted on the occasion of legalizing Ivan, his and Veronika Desinićka's son.
Target audience: all ages
Location: Veliki Tabor Castle
Period: January through December
The guided tour focuses on the Rattkay family, which ruled over Veliki Tabor in the period between 1502 and 1793. They are of exceptional cultural and historical importance. Prominent in the battles against the Turks, they are also remembered for building castles -- in addition to Veliki Tabor, they had Miljana, Velika Horvatska, and Mali Tabor built.
Target audience: all ages
Location: Veliki Tabor Castle
Period: January through December
This guided tour focuses on heating in Veliki Tabor. Open fireplaces, ceramic stoves, and ceramic stove tiles with various motifs, from Late Gothic to Renaissance ones, involve a great deal of interesting detail. Spanning from conservation to archaeological research, the tour presents information on recent insights and interpretations.
Target audience: all ages
Location: Veliki Tabor Castle
Period: January through December